Media Office 2008 For Mac
Supported Operating System Apple Macintosh, Mac OS X. Operating System Versions: Mac OS X version 10.4.9 (Tiger) or a later version of Mac OS Note To verify that your computer meets these minimum requirements, on the Apple menu, click About This Mac. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Service Pack 2 (12.2.0): You can download this update for free from the.
Note To verify that you have installed this update, you can open any Microsoft Office 2008 application to check the version number. For example, open Word, and then on the Word menu, click About Word. In the dialog box, compare the version number next to Latest Installed Update. To install this update. Print this page if you want to use it as a reference when you are offline. Quit any applications that are running, including all Office applications, Microsoft Messenger, and Office Notifications, because they might interfere with the installation.
Make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements. Click Download, or click the link for the language version that you want. Follow the instructions on the screen to save the file to your hard disk. If you are using Safari, the downloaded file is saved to the desktop or your Downloads folder unless you specified a different location in the Preferences dialog box of Safari. To check your preferences, on the Safari menu, click Preferences, and then click General. Double-click the file that you downloaded in step 5 to place the Office 2008 12.3.6 Update volume on your desktop, and then double-click the Office 2008 12.3.6 Update volume to open it. This step might have been performed for you.
In the Office 2008 12.3.6 Update volume window, double-click the Office 2008 12.3.6 Update application to start the update process, and then follow the instructions on the screen. If the installation finishes successfully, you can remove the update installer from your hard disk. To remove the update installer, first drag the Office 2008 12.3.6 Update volume to the Trash, and then drag the file that you downloaded to the Trash. Note This update is also available from Microsoft AutoUpdate, an application that can automatically keep your Microsoft software up to date. To use AutoUpdate, open an Office application, and then on the Help menu, click Check for Updates.
To remove this update This update does not include an uninstall feature. To restore your application to its original state, delete it from your hard disk, reinstall it from your original installation disk, and then install the updates that you want. If you have trouble installing this update or using Office 2008 applications after you install this update, try the following:. Make sure that the Microsoft Office 2008 folder is located in the Applications folder on the startup volume. If it is at another location on your computer, move it to the Applications folder on your startup volume, and then try installing the update again. Restart your computer and try installing the update again.
Make sure that the user account you use to authenticate the update installer is an administrator account. For more information about administrator accounts, see Mac Help. Make sure that you downloaded the correct language version of the update for your copy of Office. If you rename or modify any of the files in the Microsoft Office 2008 folder, you cannot install product updates.
Media Office 2008 For Mac Won't Install
To correct this issue, drag the Microsoft Office 2008 folder to the Trash, and then reinstall Office 2008 from your original installation disk. If you experience problems opening Office applications after you install this update, restart your computer. If you continue to experience problems after you restart, reinstall Office from your original installation disk, and then install this update again.
For additional assistance, visit the.
Access and Publisher are Windows products not Mac products. As a user of Windows and the Mac (and a former consultant and developer of databases) I can only wish Access didn't exist for Windows.and I really wish Publisher didn't exist. Access at least is a decent, if aggravating, professional program. Using Publisher merely reveals to the world that you aren't a professional. Interesting tidbit - Access has very close ties the Intel processor and for years Microsoft reps explained that they'd love to port Access to the Mac but it would be prohibitively expensive given that Macs were built on Motorola processors. Now that Macs are built on the same hardware platform as Windows computers they have no valid excuse.

Apple //GS wrote: Why is Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Special Media Edition, our best current version, missing many of the components of Office Ultimate 2007, Window Vista's best version? Why are you asking that in a Pages dedicated forum? As far as I know, Office is not edited by Apple but by µSoft!
Ask your question to µSoft. While I am a 26 year user of Apple software, now and then I or my school aged kids need to be compatible with Access 2007, or Publisher 2007 that their schools use. IWorks components are not fully compatable yet; or there is no equivalent component at all. Greed on Microsofts part? (a) There is no iWorks product so, it's normal that there is no compatibility!
(b) Access and Publisher are not Apple products so Apple is not responsible of the editor's choices. As far as I know, Publisher is only compatible with Publisher. (c) iWork compon,ents are not designed (and not publicized) to be fully compatible with Office's components. If you are not satisfied with iWork features, don't buy it. As Access is unavailable for MacOS, switch to Windows, we will not regret you. Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 7 octobre 2008 12:13:44). Access and Publisher are Windows products not Mac products.
As a user of Windows and the Mac (and a former consultant and developer of databases) I can only wish Access didn't exist for Windows.and I really wish Publisher didn't exist. Access at least is a decent, if aggravating, professional program. Using Publisher merely reveals to the world that you aren't a professional. Interesting tidbit - Access has very close ties the Intel processor and for years Microsoft reps explained that they'd love to port Access to the Mac but it would be prohibitively expensive given that Macs were built on Motorola processors. Now that Macs are built on the same hardware platform as Windows computers they have no valid excuse. Hi DWB, Thanks for the information.
Yes I know that the Office programs are M$ offerings. My kids high school and college both are still in the dark ages and use M$ products only. I was just hoping that there was some way to use iWorks to do the work, and 'Save as:' to the Office 2007 format. While some of the most common parts cross over; ie: Word, the ones that the schools seem to want to use the most don't. Hope of all hopes. I think that Apple's iWork is very nice, not as full featured as AppleWorks, but maybe someday. Hello KOENIG Yvan of France, 'If you are not satisfied with iWork features, don't buy it.
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As Access is unavailable for MacOS, switch to Windows, we will not regret you.' This is not a nice thing to say. Do they not teach you manners in France? I have been using Apple Computer products for almost 30 years. Apple makes the best programs 99.999% of the time. IWorks is nice, it just needs to be 'beefed up' some.
I left this statement in hopes that someone might have a way to get iWorks, via a plug-in, or some other Apple program that I do not know about, to work with the parts of Microsoft Office 2007 that I need to be compatible with. Thank you for your insight and kind words. Apple //GS of MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES of AMERICA PS: in the past you have been a rather nice person. I really don't understand your message. You wrote: While I am a 26 year user of Apple software, now and then I or my school aged kids need to be compatible with Access 2007, or Publisher 2007 that their schools use.
IWorks components are not fully compatable yet; or there is no equivalent component at all. Greed on Microsofts part?
I responded: (a) There is no iWorks product so, it's normal that there is no compatibility! (b) Access and Publisher are not Apple products so Apple is not responsible of the editor's choices. As far as I know, Publisher is only compatible with Publisher. (c) iWork components are not designed (and not publicized) to be fully compatible with Office's components.
If you are not satisfied with iWork features, don't buy it. As Access is unavailable for MacOS, switch to Windows, we will not regret you. I didn't change during the years. I really don't know any other thing to respond. Given your described needs, iWork is unable to fit them. So it seems logical to use a product fitting them.
Media Office 2008 For Mac Updates
We may regret that there is no such a program running under MacOS X, but it's the truth. So, I'm not happy to write that but I repeat that to fit your needs you will have to switch to Windows. It seems that you where hurted by 'we will not regret you'.
From my point of view it's illogical. Why must I regret that some one which I already helped several times has, at last, find a program fitting its needs? I would be very glad to learn that you are able to do what you want with a given tool even if I will never let it enter my home. Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mercredi 8 octobre 2008 17:51:48).
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Media Office 2008 For Mac Download
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