Ngspice/ At Master Imr/ngspice Github
I installed Hombrew Bottled version from this Site - and after installing in my Utilities Folder, I found Homebrew Terminal in the Finder under Mac OSX Terminal. I opened and pasted the following commands, ( brew tap philacs/homebrew-calligra -brew install calligra - brew install calligra -HEAD - brew link -overwrite calligra - buildsycoca4 -noincremental update-mime-database /usr/local/share/mime ) and nothing happened. I would really like to use Calligra on my Mac, but the installation is extremely difficult, primitive and unorthodox to a lay person. Any help and insight would be greatly appreciated. Because just trying to install Homebrew and locate it to use, is a monumentally frustrating task and then one must navigate the likewise task of installing Calligra. Thank you, Grubaugh. It appears I have Homebrew, Xcode and the latest XQuartz installed and after running command - brew tap philacs/homebrew-calligra - in Homebrew, this appears in Homebrew Terminal 'Cloning into '/usr/local/Library/Taps/philacs-calligra'.
Username for 'Password for 'It says nothing about a Username or Password on KDE installation insructions - I pasted below -'Mac OS X Currently Calligra can be installed through Homebrew. Installers with auto upgrade features since would appear for Calligra 3.0. First, install homebrew, following official instructions at. Calligra is not in official Homebrew repository, add the calligra tap manually: brew tap philacs/homebrew-calligra Then install Calligra. Brew install calligra To install latest development version Calligra (Recommended): brew install calligra -HEAD If you have problem running brew link calligra, use following code to force it: brew link -overwrite calligra If Calligra apps cannot launch, try following codes: kbuildsycoca4 -noincremental update-mime-database /usr/local/share/mime Known issues: Kexi and Braindump do not work.' Hours of work and still no Calligra installed. Just to see if I will be forced to run another command - 'If Calligra apps cannot launch, try following codes: kbuildsycoca4-noincremental update-mime-database /usr/local/share/mime' - in Homebrew if they fail to launch and that's if and only if.
I ever get Calligra, actually installed. Obviously, I need a Username and Password, for the Calligra repository. The Maze continues. I can't make it to install Calligra on MAC OSX Mavericks. Below I will post you the whole log since I installed homebrew: Last login: Sun Mar 23 09:04:56 on console localhost: Magda$ ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL )' This script will install: /usr/local/bin/brew /usr/local/Library/. /usr/local/share/man/man1/brew.1 Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir /usr/local WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss or the deletion of important system files.
Please double-check your typing when using sudo. Type 'man sudo' for more information. To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort. Password: Sorry, try again. Password: Sorry, try again.
Password: Sorry, try again. Sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts Failed during: /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir /usr/local localhost: Magda$ ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL )' This script will install: /usr/local/bin/brew /usr/local/Library/. /usr/local/share/man/man1/brew.1 Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir /usr/local WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your typing when using sudo. Type 'man sudo' for more information.
To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort. Password: Sorry, try again. Password: /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g+rwx /usr/local /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/chgrp admin /usr/local /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir /Library/Caches/Homebrew /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g+rwx /Library/Caches/Homebrew Installing the Command Line Tools (expect a GUI popup): /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -install xcode-select: note: install requested for command line developer tools Press any key when the installation has completed. Downloading and installing Homebrew. Remote: Counting objects: 167712, done. Remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1), done.
Remote: Total 167712 (delta 119595), reused 167609 (delta 119515) Receiving objects: 100% (112), 31.95 MiB 610.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (195), done. From. new branch master - origin/master HEAD is now at eb2b07b Don't test jruby deps since it makes the tests slow Installation successful! You should run `brew doctor'.before. you install anything. Now type: brew help localhost: Magda$ localhost: Magda$ localhost: Magda$ brew help Example usage: brew info home options FORMULA.
brew install FORMULA. Brew uninstall FORMULA. These are relative to the soprano dependency installation: 1) # This is the CMakeCache file.
# For build in directory: /tmp/soprano-rKiQ/soprano-2.9.3 # It was generated by CMake: /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/ # You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake. # If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
# If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor. # The syntax for the file is as follows: # KEY:TYPE=VALUE # KEY is the name of a variable in the cache. # TYPE is a hint to GUIs for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!
# VALUE is the current value for the KEY. ######################## # EXTERNAL cache entries ######################## //Build the testing tree. BUILDTESTING:BOOL=ON //Path to a program. BZRCOMMAND:FILEPATH=BZRCOMMAND-NOTFOUND //Path to a file.
CLUCENEINCLUDEDIR:PATH=/usr/local/include //Path to a library. CLUCENELIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/local/lib/libclucene.dylib //Path to a file. CLUCENELIBRARYDIR:PATH=/usr/local/lib //Path to a program. CMAKEAR:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/ar //Choose the type of build, options are: None(CMAKECXXFLAGS or // CMAKECFLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel. CMAKEBUILDTYPE:STRING=None //Enable/Disable color output during build. CMAKECOLORMAKEFILE:BOOL=ON //CXX compiler. CMAKECXXCOMPILER:FILEPATH=/usr/local/Library/ENV/4.3/clang //Flags used by the compiler during all build types.
CMAKECXXFLAGS:STRING= //Flags used by the compiler during debug builds. CMAKECXXFLAGSDEBUG:STRING=-g //Flags used by the compiler during release minsize builds. CMAKECXXFLAGSMINSIZEREL:STRING=-Os -DNDEBUG //Flags used by the compiler during release builds (/MD /Ob1 /Oi // /Ot /Oy /Gs will produce slightly less optimized but smaller // files).
Converter pdf para pdf ocr free download for mac windows 10. CMAKECXXFLAGSRELEASE:STRING=-O3 -DNDEBUG //Flags used by the compiler during Release with Debug Info builds. CMAKECXXFLAGSRELWITHDEBINFO:STRING=-O2 -g -DNDEBUG //C compiler. CMAKECCOMPILER:FILEPATH=/usr/local/Library/ENV/4.3/clang //Flags used by the compiler during all build types. CMAKECFLAGS:STRING= //Flags used by the compiler during debug builds. CMAKECFLAGSDEBUG:STRING=-g //Flags used by the compiler during release minsize builds. CMAKECFLAGSMINSIZEREL:STRING=-Os -DNDEBUG //Flags used by the compiler during release builds (/MD /Ob1 /Oi // /Ot /Oy /Gs will produce slightly less optimized but smaller // files).
CMAKECFLAGSRELEASE:STRING=-O3 -DNDEBUG //Flags used by the compiler during Release with Debug Info builds. CMAKECFLAGSRELWITHDEBINFO:STRING=-O2 -g -DNDEBUG //Flags used by the linker. CMAKEEXELINKERFLAGS:STRING=' ' //Flags used by the linker during debug builds. CMAKEEXELINKERFLAGSDEBUG:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds. CMAKEEXELINKERFLAGSMINSIZEREL:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release builds. CMAKEEXELINKERFLAGSRELEASE:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds.
Ngspice/ At Master Imr/ngspice Github Free
CMAKEEXELINKERFLAGSRELWITHDEBINFO:STRING= //Enable/Disable output of compile commands during generation. CMAKEEXPORTCOMPILECOMMANDS:BOOL=OFF //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKEFINDFRAMEWORK:UNINITIALIZED=LAST //Path to a program. CMAKEINSTALLNAMETOOL:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/installnametool //Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories. CMAKEINSTALLPREFIX:PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/soprano/2.9.3 //Path to a program. CMAKELINKER:FILEPATH=/usr/local/Library/ENV/4.3/ld //Path to a program. CMAKEMAKEPROGRAM:FILEPATH=/usr/local/Library/ENV/4.3/gmake //Flags used by the linker during the creation of modules.
CMAKEMODULELINKERFLAGS:STRING=' ' //Flags used by the linker during debug builds. CMAKEMODULELINKERFLAGSDEBUG:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds. CMAKEMODULELINKERFLAGSMINSIZEREL:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release builds.
CMAKEMODULELINKERFLAGSRELEASE:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds. CMAKEMODULELINKERFLAGSRELWITHDEBINFO:STRING= //Path to a program. CMAKENM:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/nm //Path to a program. CMAKEOBJCOPY:FILEPATH=CMAKEOBJCOPY-NOTFOUND //Path to a program. CMAKEOBJDUMP:FILEPATH=CMAKEOBJDUMP-NOTFOUND //Build architectures for OSX CMAKEOSXARCHITECTURES:STRING= //Minimum OS X version to target for deployment (at runtime); newer // APIs weak linked. Set to empty string for default value.
CMAKEOSXDEPLOYMENTTARGET:STRING= //The product will be built against the headers and libraries located // inside the indicated SDK. CMAKEOSXSYSROOT:STRING= //Value Computed by CMake CMAKEPROJECTNAME:STATIC=soprano //Path to a program. CMAKERANLIB:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/ranlib //Flags used by the linker during the creation of dll's. CMAKESHAREDLINKERFLAGS:STRING=' ' //Flags used by the linker during debug builds. CMAKESHAREDLINKERFLAGSDEBUG:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds.
CMAKESHAREDLINKERFLAGSMINSIZEREL:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release builds. CMAKESHAREDLINKERFLAGSRELEASE:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds. CMAKESHAREDLINKERFLAGSRELWITHDEBINFO:STRING= //If set, runtime paths are not added when installing shared libraries, // but are added when building. CMAKESKIPINSTALLRPATH:BOOL=NO //If set, runtime paths are not added when using shared libraries. CMAKESKIPRPATH:BOOL=NO //Flags used by the linker during the creation of static libraries. CMAKESTATICLINKERFLAGS:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during debug builds. CMAKESTATICLINKERFLAGSDEBUG:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds.
CMAKESTATICLINKERFLAGSMINSIZEREL:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release builds. CMAKESTATICLINKERFLAGSRELEASE:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds. CMAKESTATICLINKERFLAGSRELWITHDEBINFO:STRING= //Path to a program. CMAKESTRIP:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/strip //If true, cmake will use relative paths in makefiles and projects. CMAKEUSERELATIVEPATHS:BOOL=OFF //If this value is on, makefiles will be generated without the //.SILENT directive, and all commands will be echoed to the console // during the make. This is useful for debugging only.
Ngspice/ At Master Imr/ngspice Github Tutorial
With Visual // Studio IDE projects all commands are done without /nologo.