Right-click Scan With Norton Solution For Mac
. Run a manual scan Manually run a Quick Scan, Full System Scan, or On-Demand Scan. Schedule a scan Set the time that you want Norton to scan. Tune up your computer Run LiveUpdate, remove temporary files, clear Internet Explorer history, or optimize your disk. Run Norton Power Eraser to remove advanced threats Use Norton Power Eraser, an aggressive malware removal tool, to remove advanced threats that may be missed by a Quick scan or Full System scan. Use Norton Insight to improve scan performance Use Norton Insight to view trusted files on your computer that are excluded from scans.
By excluding trusted files from scans, Norton reduces the time it takes to run a scan. Generate a Diagnostic Report Create a Diagnostic Report with information about your computer including the operating system, installed programs, and hardware. Use this report to troubleshoot software or hardware problems.
STEPĀ 1 Download and run RemoveSymantecMacFiles tool. Download the file. Click the Finder icon in the Dock to be in the Finder. On the menu bar, click Go Downloads to go to the Downloads folder. Do one of the following:. If you downloaded the file using Safari, open the RemoveSymantecMacFiles folder.
Scan With Norton
If you downloaded the file using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, double-click the RemoveSymantecMacFiles.zip file to expand it, and then open the RemoveSymantecMacFiles folder. In the RemoveSymantecMacFiles folder, control-click the RemoveSymantecMacFiles.command file, and then click Open with Terminal (default). To run this tool, you must be logged on to your Mac with an Administrator account with a non-blank password. In the Terminal window, type your administrator password, and then press return. When you type your password, no characters appear. To remove all Symantec files and folders, type 1.
If you want to quit RemoveSymantecMacFiles without removing any files, type 2. Press return. RemoveSymantecMacFiles removes all of the Symantec files. When the RemoveSymantecMacFiles tool finishes removing the Symantec files, in the Terminal window, type y, and press return to restart your Mac.
Before you press return, make sure that you save your work in other open applications. STEPĀ 2 Install Norton.
to Norton. If you are not signed in to Norton already, you are prompted to sign in. Type in your email address and password for Norton, and click Sign In. If you do not have a Norton account, click Create account and complete the sign-up process. In the Get Started page, click Download Norton. Read the Norton License Agreement, and click Agree & Download.
Click OK to save and open the Setup.zip file. When the download finishes, double-click the Norton product Installer. Click Agree & Install to start the installation. If you see a prompt to join Norton Community Watch, click Join Now. If you do not want to join Norton Community Watch, click Maybe Later.
To know more, click Learn More in the prompt window. When you see a prompt, type your administrator account password, and then click Install Helper.