Sammenlign Dansk Fildelingstjeneste

Sammenlign Dansk Fildelingstjeneste Average ratng: 7,5/10 7615 reviews

'When this idea descended upon the world, it caused a great stir among philosophers, particularly the 'cocktail-party philosophers,' who say, 'Oh, it is very simple: Einstein's theory says all is relative!' In fact, a surprisingly large number of philosophers, not only those found at cocktail parties (but rather than embarrass them, we shall just call them 'cocktail-party philosophers'), will say, 'That all is relative is a consequence of Einstein, and it has profound influences on our ideas.' In addition, they say 'It has been demonstrated in physics that phenomena depend upon your frame of reference.' We hear that a great deal, but it is difficult to find out what it means. Probably the frames of reference that were originally referred to were the coordinate systems which we use in the analysis of the theory of relativity.

Sammenlign dansk tjeneste

Sammenlign Dansk Tjeneste

So the fact that 'things depend upon your frame of reference' is supposed to have had a profound effect on modern thought. One might well wonder why, because, after all, that things depend upon one's point of view is so simple an idea that it certainly cannot have been necessary to go to all the trouble of the physical relativity theory in order to discover it.'

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Sammenlign Dansk Tjenesters

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