Clear Ias For Mac
“A completely scalable, all-encompassing RF solution, IAS is the ideal software program for frequency coordinators, as it efficiently plans out and ensures deliverance of interference-free frequency coordination,” says Jim Van Winkle, general manager, PWS. “PWS has updated its industry leading frequency coordination software to better reflect the way users coordinate wireless systems and the hardware used during productions. We look forward to sharing this new and improved program with our customers at InfoComm 2015.”. IAS offers frequency coordinators complete, remote access to a list of local television frequencies in-use in any given area, affording them the ability to locate open frequencies that are free from overlapping digital TV signals and intermodulation distortion. With a redesigned GUI interface, IAS 5 offers frequency coordinators the option to lock frequencies when re-calculations are performed. Each band split for a given make and model of a wireless microphone, IFB, IEM or wireless com systems is displayed on the spectrum graph to determine which band splits would work best for coordination. Additionally, U.S.
FCC-based broadcast channel data now includes contour data for more accurate interference predictions. With IAS 5.0, frequency coordinators can now upload and download spectrum sweep data from PWS’ server. IAS 5.0 is the only coordination software offering a database of spectrum scans that are available to all IAS users for off-site reference. These spectrum sweeps are designed to supplement the FCC’s broadcast channel data and improve the capabilities of frequency coordinators in identifying available frequencies for all events. Additionally, users can now import sweep data as CSV files from more devices than ever before. Uploaded sweeps are automatically searched when refreshing broadcast TV data and nearby RF sweeps can be downloaded directly into a coordination project.
Clear Ias For Macbook Pro
IAS 5.0 also offers an integrated licensing reset for users, allowing frequency coordinators to easily manage licenses with the ability to activate and deactivate licenses within IAS, without needing to contact IAS Support. Users can handle multiple IAS licenses on the Web by assigning device names and remotely deactivating installations so that they can immediately be available for reuse. Additionally, Mac users who switch between Boot Camp and Parallels or Fusion can do so without resetting the license file. IAS 5.0 is backwards compatible with all versions of IAS for sharing of coordination files between users.
No longer will any file be unreadable by another version of IAS. Access to the upgraded software version will be made available to all existing users for $100. Users who purchased IAS within the past year will receive IAS 5.0 for free. During InfoComm, PWS will offer special discounts for IAS 5.0 to all users who stop by the booth, #149. The new version will be available June 17.
Clear Ias For Mac 2017
Clear Ias For Macosx
PWS is dedicating a full-time software development team, with the hiring of Brice Helman as Senior Applications Director, for IAS service and support. For more information on Professional Wireless Systems’ (PWS) Intermodulation Analysis Software, visit. About Masque Sound Founded in 1936 by a trio of Broadway stagehands, Masque Sound evolved into one of NYC’s most successful theatrical sound reinforcement, installation and design companies specializing in theatrical, house of worship, sporting, corporate, TV broadcast and live concert events. Celebrating more than 75 years in the industry, the company is led by President Stephanie Hansen and the firm’s third generation owner, Geoff Shearing. The company also operates Florida-based Professional Wireless Systems, a leader in the development and implementation of wireless technology.
Credits range from major Broadway shows and tours including “Phantom of the Opera,” “Mamma Mia!,” “Lion King,” “Jersey Boys,” “Memphis,” “The Book of Mormon,” “Newsies,” “Once” and “Kinky Boots” to yearly Super Bowl broadcasts and installations of varying sizes, including New York’s New Victory Theater and historic St. Bartholomew’s Church. Masque Sound’s 70,000 sq. Corporate headquarters and main assembly facility is located at 21 East Union Ave., East Rutherford, NJ, 20 minutes from midtown Manhattan. For more information, call (201) 939-8666 or visit.