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Radiant Knowledge System Folder path: CMC Document Id: 10010 Document Type: Troubleshooting Keywords: Command Center Pollcheck Radiant Heartbeat troubleshoo ting Deployment Framework Polling CMC RDF Attachment: (none) Last Updated: 12:39 PM Title: Command Center Troubleshooting FAQs Description: Command Center Troubleshooting FAQs. Not Found: If you get a server not found error, then verify your DNS by runn ing the following command from a command window: ping The name above should resolve to an IP of If you cannot resolve this IP, you have DNS issues or an errant entry in your HOSTS file.&nbs p; If the IP is resolved, but the ping fails, then you likely have a firewall bl ocking access.
The Family Opportunity Mortgage helps families who are buying or refinancing homes for college students, elderly parents and disabled adult children. Without this program, these transactions would often have to be considered as “investment properties” with higher interest rates and closing costs. Now, it can be treated as a vacation or second-home mortgage.
NOTE: plan on an 80% loan to value with the Family Opportunity Mortgage – I’m not aware of any private mortgage insurance companies who are offering this program. Assisting a College Bound Student. The child must be enrolled in college. The property must be located close to the college the student is enrolled. Property must be a reasonable distance from the parents home.
Property cannot be rented and the child must occupy the property for a minimum of one year. Parents cannot own another second/vacation home in the same location as the student’s home. Parents qualify for the loan, the child does not. If the child is old enough, they can be on the mortgage with the parents, however it’s not qualified. Assisting an Elderly Parent.
Elderly parent must have insufficient income to qualify for a mortgage or be unable to work. The individuals (children) qualify for the loan. The parents can be on the mortgage although it is not required. There are no distance requirements between the elderly parent and the individuals (their child). Adult child may already own their own home (primary residence). Adult child will need to provide a letter of explanation outlining the intent to purchase a home for elderly parents who are financially limited. Assisting a Disabled Adult Child.
Disabled adult child must have insufficient income to qualify for a mortgage or be unable to work. The parents qualify for the loan. The parents can be on the mortgage although it is not required.
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There are no distance requirements between the elderly parent and the individuals (their child). Disabled adult child occupies the property as their primary residence. Parents may all ready own their own primary residence. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae products are eligible for these long overdue programs.

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If you are interested in this program for a home located anywhere in Washington, please contact me. I bought a vacant lot in Naples, Florida in 2013. Now I am applying for a construction loan to mortgage with credit union in Florida. I live and work in NY. I want to build a house for my retirement and have my wife and mother occupy the house. I have to keep my job in NY for now but my loan officer wants me to prove to them that this will be my primary residence.
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I plan to keep the house for my retirement not for investment. What kind of letter should I draft that can help me to get the loan?.: Hi Anthony, Did you disclose that you have a Federal Tax Lien to your Loan Officer on the loan.: My wife and I applied for a VA loan for which we were pre approved. Our credit was pulled and we were.: Congrats, Brittany! I’m glad I could be of help answering your questions about the home.: Thank you for posting this article! We are conditionally approved and submitted the additional forms last.: Hi Jeffrey, I would need to check with the investor. If it’s a room-mate situation and the.: Thanks for your response, Rhonda. Our problem is that the disabled child will not be living in the.