These Are Dangerous Applications For Mac
If you never connect your Mac to the Internet, the answer is no. But if you do use the Internet, the answer is yes. And since most everyone is online these days, that means that the majority of Mac users need to consider installing Macintosh compatible antivirus software. Having said that, it is true that Macs are not as prone to malware - most Mac infections occur as a result of user behavior (downloading Warez or counterfeit software, for example).
Whereas a Windows system is easily susceptible to a so-called drive-by silent infection that happens through no fault of the user, a Mac infection usually requires some deliberate (and thus avoidable) action. Some try to answer this question literally, based on the strict definition of 'virus' - i.e. Malicious software that infects other files. But the term 'virus' is used much more loosely these days and in that context refers to in general (or what the industry terms 'malware').
The answer also depends on the version of the (OS) in question. While Windows tends to be essentially the same 'under the hood', the various flavors of the Macintosh OS vary widely. Thus the answer to the question is Yes, there are real Mac viruses out there. But whether you are vulnerable or not depends on the OS. As for malware in general, it's an even stronger Yes. Some vendors of Mac antivirus software focus more on what is known as 'downstream protection'.
Briefly, that's designed to protect Windows users from Windows-based malware that is sent from a Mac user. As an example, Sally uses Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). She receives an email with an infected attachment.
That particular attachment can't infect her Mac, but if she sends it on to Bob, a Windows user, and Bob opens the attachment, his system could be infected. Downstream protection means that the Macintosh antivirus scanner is scanning for Windows-based malware.
When Apple introduced application support for the iPod touch and iPhone, they opened the door for malware that specifically targets these devices (or, rather, the applications running on those devices). However, currently, the notion of malware for these devices is more theory than reality. Jailbroken devices are more susceptible than Apple-approved devices and there have been instances of malware for jailbroken iPhones.
Dangerous Applications For Kids
These Are Dangerous Applications For Mac Os
If you plan to jailbreak your iPhone, the heightened malware risk is something to consider.