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Aneesoft Total Media Converter for Mac is all-in-one multimedia converter software for Mac users to convert videos, DVDs and audios to a wide range of popular video and audio formats like AVI, WMV, FLV, MOV, M4V, MP4, VOB, MPG, 3GP etc. As well as convert DVDs, videos and audios for popular portable devices such as iPad 2, iPad, iPhone 4, iPod, PSP, Apple TV, Motorola Xoom, HP TouchPad, BlackBerry PlayBook and more.
Some additional editing features like trimming, cropping, applying effects and adding watermark are also available here with this Mac Total Media Converter. With support for batch conversion and multi-core processing, Aneesoft Total Media Converter for Mac saves much time for your conversion on Mac. Key Features of Aneesoft Total Media Converter for Mac: 1. Rip encrypted DVDs to common video and audio formats on Mac.
Convert between all common video and audio formats on Mac. Convert between HD video formats on Mac. Extract audiotracks from videos and DVDs, as well as convert audio to audio formats on Mac. Select subtitle and audio track for target movie. Setting output video and audio Resolution, Video Bitrate, Frame Rate, Audio Channels, Sample Rate, etc. Merge, crop and trim video. Set brightness, contrast and add watermark to video files.
Preview and snapshot. Find out about where you can enter your Free Aneesoft Total Media Converter for Mac discount codes to obtain the best cost savings Step 1: Pick out the Aneesoft Total Media Converter for Mac discount offer you want to use and then click the discount button listed above. Step 2: Two windows will pop-up. One will be another page and this window will tell you whether or not the discount coupon ended up being activated. It'll also provide the Aneesoft Co.LTD discount code in the center of the page. This is the coupon code you will need when checking out the item from the Aneesoft Co.LTD web-site.

Avi Converter Mac

Step 3: The second page that popped up is going to be the cart on the Aneesoft Co.LTD web site. Click the box that reads, 'I have a discount code'! Step 4: Enter in the Aneesoft Total Media Converter for Mac discount coupon code that had been presented from the first pop up window. Step 5: The discount will be deducted from your total. Move forward as usual with the check out.

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